Home Learning Resources

Here you will find a selection of Maths videos to support you whilst you are learning at home. Our teachers have put together lessons for each year group which we hope you will enjoy. Please watch the videos and take part in the activities. Imagine you are at school, answer the questions and join in the learning. You can pause the video when you need thinking time and you can skip backwards if you missed something important. There are also activities alongside the videos which you can download and print. 


Reception - Shopping with 10p                                

Reception -  Five-ness of 5

Reception - Two-ness of 2     

Year 1

Year 1 - Counting to 20                                     Year 1 - Counting to 20 pdf                                      

Year 1 - Subtraction                                          Year 1 - Subtraction pdf

Year 1 - Addition within 10

Year 2

 Year 2 - Addition with number facts to 10               

Year 2 - Repeated addition

Year 2 - Two digit place value                           Year 2 - Place value pdf

Year 3

Year 3 - Column Addition                                         

Year 3 - Multiplying by 4

Year 3 - Digit place values

Year 4

Year 4 - Multiplying by 10                                         

Year 4 - Partitioning 4 digit numbers

Year 4 - Times tables                                         Year 4 - Multiplication arrays game.pdf            Year 4 Multiplication squares.pdf     

                                                                           Year 4 Times table bar model.pdf

Year 5

Year 5 - Place value with 6 digits                             

Year 5 - Decimal numbers

Year 5 - Multiplying 2 two-digit numbers             Year 5 - Multiplication pdf

Year 6

Year 6 - Engaging with big numbers                   Year 6 - Engaging with big numbers pdf         

Year 6 - Exploring 1 million                                  Year 6 - Exploring millions - pdf

Year 6 - Fractions


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Sandringham Primary School
Sandringham Road, London E7 8ED
tel: 020 8472 3800