The Governing Board

What we do

We are a group of representatives from the school community who voluntarily give our time and share our knowledge and skills to help the school deliver the best possible education and care to children.

The Full Governing Board meets numerous times over the year and as Committees with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teachers to discuss progress (for example in teaching and learning), set targets for improvement, shape school policies, oversee the school’s financial position and ensure the school is fulfilling its statutory responsibilities. The structure of the Governing Board is below. 

Decisions on proposals brought for consideration by the Head Teacher are made collectively by the Governing Board and not individual Governors. We are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school - that is the role of the Head Teacher and staff. We provide strategic direction and hold Senior Leaders to account when monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance. Governors also attend other meetings or make visits to the school as and when required. Pecuniary interests have been declared by Governors and can be available upon request.

Governing Board structure

How to contact us

Our Governors aim to be approachable and transparent, and are interested to hear from parents, carers and staff who have opinions to share.

If you would like to speak to the Chair of Governors, or one of the Committee Chairs, they can be contacted through the school office by emailing: and addressing the e-mail for the attention of The Governing Board.

Contact Us
Sandringham Primary School
Sandringham Road, London E7 8ED
tel: 020 8472 3800