Sandringham Primary has an extensive Physical Education programme with a specialist PE teacher and Premier Sport’s coaches delivering a vast range of sports right across the PE curriculum. This has culminated in Sandringham Primary PE being rated as outstanding by OFSTED as well as being awarded the Sainsbury’s Gold Mark for outstanding delivery of PE and Sport for five consecutive years and the converted Platinum award in July 2018.
Sandringham Primary believes that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development, health and overall education. A broad and balanced curriculum will facilitate the development of our pupil’s body awareness, self-confidence and enjoyment of physical education.
Sandringham Primary is committed to provide a balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive aims to cater every individual’s needs and ability. Activities ensure Maximum Individual Participation (MIP) based on progressive learning objectives which, combined with varied and flexible teaching styles, endeavour to provide appropriate, stimulating, challenging learning situations that regularly asks pupils to reflect, evaluate and improve on performance.
A pupil leaving Sandringham Primary will have the necessary skills, techniques and understanding across a variety of disciplines that will give them the confidence to develop areas of interest through community links and further education where they will enjoy success and reach their full potential.
Through Sport and PE our students at Sandringham will:
Please describe how you have involved your pupils in planning and delivering PE and your competition offer.
Sandringham Primary’s commitment to intra and inter school competition has been vital in creating an environment where all children from a wide variety of ability levels achieve sustained success in events and tournaments held at school, throughout the borough and across London.
We firstly structure the school PE curriculum and whole school timetables to suit and compliment the School Sports Partnership’s events calendar to ensure all our students are working at and exceeding a level appropriate for their age group. We also ensure all children are prepared for the events they are participating in by structuring lessons that ensure they are acquiring and developing skills across the PE curriculum; they can select and apply tactics and compositional ideas; they have a knowledge and understanding of health and fitness and can evaluate and improve their own performance through critical, collaborative, caring and creative thinking which is in line with our recent P4C Gold mark accreditation.
We routinely survey children to assess what areas the children are interested in pursuing and developing further. We endeavour to offer clubs and lessons devoted to topics they enjoy or are interested in taking up for the first time. This information is then used to target children from a variety of ability levels and special educational needs. We also offer clubs outside of regular curriculum time to support and further develop our student’s skill level and prepare them for upcoming events and tournaments. This year we offered extra-curricular clubs for football, handball, dodge ball, fencing, athletics, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, badminton, basketball, hockey, rugby and boccia, in each and every one of these sports we ensure the children are given the opportunity to participate in competition against neighbouring schools within Newham and across the wider community such as at the London Youth Games in which we regularly represent the borough, twice this year in Basketball and Rugby and twenty-six times since 2010. We have also developed a very successful Saturday football program for students in both KS1 and KS2 to help parents create pathways into community sports and take ownership over their children’s development in PE and Sport. This provision was created as a direct result of discussions held through our school council meetings which is represented by children in all year groups. Our Saturday football clubs has seen an increase in students joining community clubs such as R77 which has led to an improvement in this year’s competition success in all age groups including winning borough competitions in year 2 and 4 and finishing in the top three in our Newham Football League.
Sandringham has always been committed in ensuring every child matters and consistent throughout our provision of Physical Education, we have three after school “high performance clubs” for our G&T children and five lunchtime programs that coincided and support borough competition in all age groups. We also provide programs for targeted children to assist in their development, such as;
To prepare students for inter school competition and events we run an extensive cross-age sports program for all our children from EYFS right up to year six. Our children from KS2 lead events for children in KS1 which involves either 1 to 1 partner work or children leading, organising and refereeing competitive games. This again develops interest in competitive sports for all our children as well as helping to develop our leadership program. Our sports leaders, from a variety of age groups, also help develop, prepare and deliver our school sports days. Our year 6 Sports Leaders regularly meet with our Sports Coordinator to help deliver playtime programs and work as ambassadors for our school when events or initiatives are run by outside agencies such the West Ham Football club, England hockey and tennis to name a few.
We have the full financial support of our SLT which has enabled the school to have a full time PE Coordinator and Sports Specialist as well as employing Premier Sports coaches to help meet the needs and interests of our children including structured lunchtime competition and an intensive swimming program for all age groups at the London Aquatic Centre. We also celebrate all our student’s success and participation in school competition and tournaments with our annual Sports Awards night attended by staff, parents and children from all age groups.
Sainsbury’s Platinum Award awarded to Sandringham Primary in July 2018